1.   How did you become a KonMari consultant? 

Following a long career as a psychotherapist, I discovered my passion for organizing after organizing my own home using the KonMari Method. KonMari worked so well for me in my own home, I decided I wanted to help others achieve the same result.

After completing the KonMari training, I started my own business. Once I had a certain number of client sessions documented, I took an exam and became certified!  I’m now a Master Level Certified KonMari consultant. I was the first Master level practitioner world wide. At this point, I’ve completed over 4000 hours of work with several hundred families.

2.   What is the overwhelming principle of the KonMari method? Does it work for everyone or is it individual?

I break it down into a few simple concepts. It starts with examining what you would like for your life going forward. What would you like your home to look and feel like? What would you like to accomplish and is your home environment supporting that?

Then, KonMari break down household objects into Five Categories: clothing, books, papers and content, miscellaneous and sentimental.  Within each category there are two steps: sort and then organize.  There’s a bit more to it than that, but the basic outline is simple

3.   Why do people accumulate so many things? Does it change with age? 

So many reasons! Often, we buy things because we believe that an object will fill a need, either a real need or an emotional need. People buy things for a million different reasons, but it often comes down to wanting to satisfy a need to feel secure or accomplished. We often believe that an object will convey a message to others.

And, we hang onto many things because we feel badly about the money spent even if those things don’t work for us. Maybe we hold onto things from our past because we believe that the emotion is contained in the object or we are afraid of losing the memory the object contains.

4.   How can people tell ‘what sparks joy’. I can hold a skirt in my hands and be afraid that I will need it later. 

I call that the “Maybe someday” problem. Many of us have homes full of things that we might need at some future date for some specific reason. In fact, we use only about 20% of the things in our home, meaning that 80% of our things are competing for space. No wonder we feel that our homes are too cluttered! When it comes to those items, the question is two-fold: What is the future use of this item AND Is this item worth the amount of space it’s taking up?

Spark Joy is another concept that can be simplified:  Do I find this item to be especially useful or especially beautiful? If the answer is yes, you keep it with confidence!


5.   Does everyone feel that their house is the messiest one? What was the worst that you have seen?

The most common thing people say to me is, “My home is the messiest you have ever seen!” And, it’s never true. I can see the potential in any home, no matter how out of sorts.


6.   Once people declutter, how do they keep themselves from filling up their apartment again? 

That is a big part of the work that I do. Getting organized is no fun and no one wants to do it over and over again. My goal is to teach you how to be selective about what you are bringing into your life and to make sure that your things are supporting the kind of life you want to have. So many of my clients tell me that they shop entirely differently after we complete KonMari.


7.   What happens if a client’s family members do not want to declutter? Can the client clean things up for them? 

This is also a very common question. The answer is, no, unfortunately you can only work on your own things. However, many times the other family members in your home begin to get interested in organizing when they see the results, even if it takes a while. I recently came home to find my husband organizing all his technology equipment and cords five years after I had done KonMari on my own things!

When it comes to common areas such as the kitchen, I work with clients to help them find compromises so that everyone can live in harmony.


8.   What happens when a client does not have time for such a thorough organizing. Should they just give up? 

KonMari can be a long process. For some clients, it can take many months. It’s actually better to break it up into 3-5 hour sessions a week or so apart. It’s a thoughtful process and will take time to do the best job, The most important thing is just to make a commitment to see it to the end.


9.   How does tidying up physical possessions bring joy in other aspects of life? 

This is one of the most surprising things about KonMari. Most people find that they are able to extent these ideas to other areas of their lives. Are their relationships positive? Are they devoting enough time to their health and well-being? What about their jobs and finances? Do they want to make changes? We return to the idea that we can move toward our ideal life going forward by examining what’s most important to us. Its life changing!


10.               How does one get in contact with you?

You can find me and learn more about The Serene Home at theserenehome.com.

I’m also on Instagram @theserenehome

You can also set up a free call using this link:

The Serene Home Phone Consult