Google has recently made much needed updates to the options available to gain access to the deceased account. Family or estate administrators may now upload death certificates, which Google will review, to determine whether to allow someone the access. Some of the options that fiduciaries now have, include:

  1. Close the account of a deceased user.

  2. Submit a request for funds from the deceased user

  3. Obtain data from a deceased user’s account

  4. Notify Google that user is deceased

  5. Resolve a potential hijacking of a deceased user’s account

In addition, Google added an option for living users to determine what will happen to their account after death.    These are similar to the recently added “legacy” options by Facebook.

Disclaimer: This article only offers general information.  Each situation is unique. It is always helpful to talk to a specialized attorney, to figure out your various options and ramifications of actions.  As every case has subtle differences, please do not use this article for legal advice. Only a signed engagement letter will create an attorney-client relationship.